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Edna Manley College Visual and Performing Arts

International Students


The Registry and Student Services Departments provide necessary services and information to facilitate a smooth transition to life, both here at the College, and in Jamaica, for our international students.

Along with fulfilling admissions requirements, there are some immigration documents and fees required for international students.

For an Extension of Stay

International Student – This is where a foreign national is enrolled in an institution of learning, registered by the Ministry of Education, Jamaica. This person should attend the PICA office on arrival in the Island within two weeks of entering Jamaica, and have their extension placed in their passport. The following is needed for this process:

  • Valid passport for at six (6) months.
  • Letter of Registration from an Educational Institution (accredited by the Ministry of Education) addressed to the Chief Executive Officer.
  • Return ticket for one (1) year.
  • Entry visa (where applicable) based on list of countries that require visa prior to arrival.

Foreign students/nationals who have a claim to Jamaican citizenship are encouraged to exercise their right of obtaining a Jamaican passport and use it to enter or leave Jamaica, even when using a foreign passport overseas. The only exception is where they have renounced their Jamaican Citizenship or have an Unconditional landing in their foreign passport.

Everyone travelling to Jamaica must present a valid and approved travel document as evidence of their identity and nationality. The most common and preferred travel document is a PASSPORT, but other types of travel documents may also be accepted.

Other acceptable travel documents:

A small number of travellers may have other types of travel documents which are also acceptable for travel to Jamaica.

The travel documents must be issued by a recognised authority, MUST HAVE A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE BEARER and provide the holder with a re-entry authority to the country of issue, or an entry authority to another country. Holders of these documents GENERALLY REQUIRE a visa.

Other types of documents that are  acceptable for travel to Jamaica include:

  • Document of Identity (if holder is not a Jamaican citizen then a visa might be required); see list of visa countries
  • Certificate of Identity
  • Laissez Passer
  • Documents issued to refugees
  • ‘Kinderausweis’ issued to German minors
  • Military documents for military personnel travelling by air; whether Military passport on I.D.
  • Seaman certificate if travelling by sea

Commonwealth Citizens (most of the Caribbean countries, UK, Australia, Canada, etc.) do not require a visa to travel to Jamaica. However, the documents must be presented and process completed:

  • Valid passport.
  • Acceptance/registration letter from the College/Educational institution
  • Within 2 weeks of landing in Jamaica, students MUST complete and submit Extension of Stay form to the PICA Office at a cost of J$10,000 fee (approx. US$116). (Extension of Stay forms are available from the Student Services Office on-campus.)

United States and other Non-Commonwealth citizens (including Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Honduras, etc.) are required to attain a visa prior to arriving in Jamaica. For more information click

Other requirements include:

  • A student visa is required (regardless of the period of study) and must be obtained prior to arrival in Jamaica, from the nearest Jamaican embassy or consulate. Students who arrive without the required visa will be denied entry into Jamaica by ImmigrationPersons cannot pursue studies under visitor status.
  • Students in Europe and other parts of the world can check the following website for Jamaican Embassies: (click on Missions).
  • Non-Commonwealth Citizens are charged an additional fee for Multiply Entry Visa. This fee varies according to the country of residence. United States Citizens are charged a fee of J$2,000. (See Multiple Entry Visa Fees below).
  • In the United States of America, the student visa can be obtained from the following: (Students should contact the embassy or consulate regarding processing time, fees and other details).

The Jamaican Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Tel: (202)-452-0660; Fax: (202)-452-0081

The Jamaican Consulate in New York (212)-935-9000; Fax: (212)-935-7507
Email: or

The Jamaican Consulate in Miami
Tel: (305)-374-8431; Fax: (305)-577-4970

  • Within 2 weeks of landing in Jamaica, students must complete and submit Extension of Stay form to the PICA Office at a cost of J$10,000 fee (approx. US$116). (Extension of Stay forms are available from the Student Services Office on-campus.)
  • Within 2 weeks of landing, students must also complete the International Student Registration Card (available from the Student Services Office) and submit it with 2 passport-sized pictures and a fee of J$2,000 (approx. US$23) to the Immigration Office.
  • International Student Registration is applicable to students who are staying for 6 months and longer.

Students over 16 years old must be registered at a cost of JMD two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) if remaining in excess of six (6) months.

 Additionally, Non-Commonwealth nationals as well as Nigerians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, nationals of the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands are required to pay Multiple Entry Visa fees.

For further information or clarification, please contact the Passport, Immigration, and Citizenship Agency (PICA) at 754-7422 or