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Edna Manley College Visual and Performing Arts

Mature Student Entry

Application Requirements

The Edna Manley College welcomes applications from individuals with significant experience without the necessary academic qualifications in the field of art they wish to pursue.  

Prospective mature candidates with insufficient qualifications may consider taking courses in preparation for entry into the programme of study they are interested in.

Candidates aged 25 and above may enter the course with fewer academic qualifications, provided they show an aptitude for learning and have sufficient experience working in their chosen field. Students’ life experiences are also taken into account.

To be eligible for Mature Student Entry, applicants should satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Be 25 years of age or older
  2. Have at least five (5) years of experience in teaching or practicing in their art form of interest
  3. Be successful at the audition or portfolio interview
  4. Pass the entry exam of the School to which their application is made
  5. Be successful in the English Proficiency Test
  6. Demonstrate professional and academic competence or readiness for the programme


The EMCVPA’s courses are tertiary-level, and all applicants, regardless of age, are required to demonstrate the ability to meet the full academic requirements.

Every application is considered on a case-by-case basis, and course lecturers may set work related to your chosen field to evaluate your ability in this area. 

Applying to EMCVPA

You can apply for admission to the EMCVPA via –

If you apply online, all required documents must still be submitted to the Registry for verification. Application for admission to the EMCVPA should be completed in duplicate and returned, with the supporting documents and application fee to: The Registry Department, Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts, 1 Arthur Wint Drive, Kingston 5.
Application Period
  • The application period commences October 1 and ends on January 31 of the following year. An extended registration runs to March 31 at a fee.
  • Application forms are processed between January and June of each year.  After processing checklist, applicants are invited to sit the College English Proficiency Test.