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Edna Manley College Visual and Performing Arts

How to Apply

Application Requirements

What you need to apply

Evidence of your educational background.

If you are applying for any of the Degree Programmes (Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Arts and Associate of Arts) at the Schools of the Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music and Arts Management and Humanities, (AA, BFA, BAE, BM, BME, BA Arts Management, BA Drama in Education and BA Dance Education), the minimum requirements are:

Five (5) subjects at the General Proficiency Level, in any of the following combinations:

  •  A minimum of five (5) subjects at CXC/CSEC grades 1, 2, or 3 (Grade 3 will be allowed after 1998) or two (2) CAPE subjects grades 1 to 5 and three (3) CXC/CSEC subjects grades 1 – 3 (Grade 3 will be allowed after 1998).
  • Three (3) or two (2) G. C. E. ‘A’ level subjects grades A to E, and three (3) ‘O’ Level subjects grades A, B or C or equivalent.
  • Five (5) subjects at G.C.E ‘O’ level grades A, B or C.

Subject Requirements:

* English Language is mandatory for all applicants to the Degree and Certificate Programmes.
** English Literature at the CXC or CAPE Level is an asset for applicants to the School of Drama.

NB. You will also need to prepare for an audition and portfolio assessment. View information about the audition and portfolio assessment requirements in our Admissions Process section.

Certificate Programmes
If you are applying for any of the  Certificate Programmes in Visual Arts, Dance Performance and Music, a minimum of two (2) CXC/CSEC subjects at the General Proficiency Level grades 1, 2, or 3 (Grade 3 will be allowed after 1998).

Applicants to the Certificate in Music Programme must attain, on Principal Instrument, a minimum level of ABRSM Grade V or equivalent and a minimum level of ABRSM Grade V Theory or equivalent, in addition to the matriculation requirements stated above.

* English Language is mandatory for all applicants to the Certificate Programmes.

Admissions Process

  • All applicants are required to sit the Edna Manley College’s English Proficiency Test as a part of the College’s requirement for entrance.
  • One of the College’s policies is, ‘Students must be able to understand rapid, idiomatic English and to express themselves clearly in speech and writing’.
  • The test is administered by the Registry and attracts a fee. This is non-refundable.
  • Visual Arts at the CXC level is mandatory only for the School of Visual Art. However, where a candidate does not have CXC Art, his/her Portfolio should provide the assessment committee with unequivocal proof of his/her art potential in the visual arts.
  • English Literature at the CXC Level is recommended only for the School of Drama.
  • A performance of an instrumental or vocal work of your choice.
  • A short oral/aural examination in basic ear training and sight singing.
  • A written theoretical examination paper taken from the School’s placement test.
  • A performance of a solo dance work of your choice.
  • Participation in two dance technique classes (Caribbean Traditional Folk and Modern).
  • An interview by the panel.
  • Prepare and present two dramatic monologues (one Dialect, the other Standard English).
  • Complete an exercise in comprehension, grammar and analytical skills.
  • An interview regarding your study objectives and your commitment and financial preparedness for the selected programme of study.
  • Applicants in the Arts Management Programme are required to attend an interview.
  • Attend an interview.
  • A portfolio of a minimum of fifteen (15) pieces of artwork.
  • The portfolio should represent the candidate’s development and provide the interview panel with an indication of interests and strengths. Your ability to draw should be represented throughout the portfolio.
  • The work presented might include still-life, landscape, portraits and figure drawings and should demonstrate your use of colour and sense of composition.
  • Three-dimensional work, sculpture and crafts may also be presented.

In addition to meeting similar educational requirements to that of our local students, international students are required to:

  • Send a videotape/DVD of performance for assessment for the Schools of Dance and Drama.
  • An audio cassette or CD for the School of Music.

How to Register

  • CSEC Results
  • Birth Certificate
  • High School Transcript
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Passport Sized Photographs
  • Indicate if you have taken the College English Placement Test (CEPT)
  • Admissions Response Form
  • Medical Questionaire (submit to College Nurse)
  • Sagicor Health Insurance Application Form
  • Students who are on their parents health plan must submit a copy oftheir health card
  • The Registry Assistant will provide you with your assigned Student IDNumber & Aeorion Manual Registration Form
  • Payment voucher to be submitted to Accounts Personnel
  • Indicate if you are financed by the Student Loan Bureau (SLB)
  • Indicate if you are a Scholarship recipient
  • Students who are not making payment in full must speak with theAccounts Receiveable Supervisor to make payment arrangements
  • Get Financial Clearance
  • Meet with the assigned Academic Advisor on duty
  • Show proof of financial clearance
  • Complete Manual Registration Course Selection Form and have Advisor sign-off
  • Log on to and select courses (follow the aeorion registration steps)
  • Review your course selections for accuracy and completeness and then logoff
  • Submit your manual registration form to the Registry Assistant on duty
  • Registration forms are also available at the Registry Department. If you apply online, all required documents must still be submitted to the Registry for verification. Application for admission to the EMCVPA should be completed in duplicate and returned, with the supporting documents and application fee to:

    Email (Subject: Application Semester I):


    The Registry Department,
    Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts,
    1 Arthur Wint Drive,
    Kingston 5.

How to Pay

Payment Procedures

Students may pay fees in person using cash, debit or credit card to the Cashier in the Accounts & Finance department.

Additionally, International students may pay using wire transfer. (See Banking and Wire Transfer Information for the College)

Local students can also pay their fees at any NCB Bank using the Bank Voucher provided by the Registry payable to Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts to Account number 211448482.  A copy of the voucher must be presented at the time of registration.

At the EMCVPA we offer you various ways to finance your tuition.

Semester Payment Plan
Students can benefit from a tuition payment plan where tuition fees can be paid in two (2) installments of 50% at the beginning of each semester. This plan attracts a tuition installment fee.

Scholarship & Bursaries
Scholarships are available for registered students who are Jamaican nationals and have successfully completed at least one year of study at the College with a minimum B average. View list of available Scholarships

Tuition and Fees

  • Visual Arts at the CXC level is mandatory only for the School of Visual Art. However, where a candidate does not have CXC Art, his/her Portfolio should provide the assessment committee with unequivocal proof of his/her art potential in the visual arts.
  • English Literature at the CXC Level is recommended only for the School of Drama.
  • A performance of an instrumental or vocal work of your choice.
  • A short oral/aural examination in basic ear training and sight singing.
  • A written theoretical examination paper taken from the School’s placement test.
  • A performance of a solo dance work of your choice.
  • Participation in two dance technique classes (Caribbean Traditional Folk and Modern).
  • An interview by the panel.
  • A performance of a solo dance work of your choice.
  • Participation in two dance technique classes (Caribbean Traditional Folk and Modern).
  • An interview by the panel.
  • ALL tuition, ancillary and Hall of Residence fees are due and payable before or by the start of the academic year. Students will be invoiced for the academic year. Read a complete outline of the policy here.

Each student is to review and select a payment option that is best suitable to him/her. Once selected, the student will be held liable for such fees.

Below are the fee payment options available.

  1. Full Payment
  2. Semester Plan
  3. Student Loan Bureau (SLB)
  4. National Youth Service (NYS) / JAMVAT
  5. Full Scholarship
  6. Partial Scholarship
  7. International and Regional Students

Tuition for the EMCVPA are set by the Ministry of Education, Jamaica. However, students should budget for an annual minimum 10% increase of tuition fees. Personal expenses are estimated. Therefore the costs listed under Expenses and Fees are the College’s best estimate at the time of
publication. Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.