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Edna Manley College Visual and Performing Arts

Petrona Morrison

Petrona Morrison was born in Manchester, Jamaica in 1954. She received her initial art training in Canada, at McMaster University, where she graduated in 1976. She left Jamaica again in the mid 1980s for MFA

Inclusion of Dance

Part of the background of the UNESCO Position Paper for the First World Conference on Arts Education in March 2006 states that Art Education—which aims at passing down cultural and artistic heritage to young people, giving them the means to create their own language

Role of Edna

Over the last 30 years, Jamaica has seen the expansion and development in the
visual and performing arts in areas such as visual arts, music, dance, drama and arts
management among other areas being referred to as the creative industries.

Creative Crucible

When Romaine Virgo won the Digicel Rising Stars competition in 2007, his drive to sharpen his craft led him to enroll at the School of Music, Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts (EMCVPA).