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Edna Manley College Visual and Performing Arts

Student Council

The Student Council Body

The College’s administration fully supports the Student Council by facilitating full participation in several areas of College governance. Through the Council, students get a chance to hone their leadership skills and articulate their concerns at the highest level of College governance by way of representation on the College board, its Finance committee, and the Academic board. 

A president and an executive body lead the Student Council, and the representatives are selected through an annual election process, which usually takes place in April.

The Student Council promotes awareness of life on campus, and encourages student participation in sporting activities and involvement in all campus activities. Our Student Council representatives are also encouraged to organise outreach initiatives and fund-raising schemes to support activities beneficial to the student body and the College.


The Sports department is managed by a Sports Director, who is responsible for both inter-collegiate and inter-campus sports programming. Generally, there are four inter-collegiate sports teams: football, netball, track, and basketball. The EMCVPA football team is the proud champion of the Inter-Collegiate Football League (2007) and the Inter-Collegiate Knock-Out Competition (2006).

Our Sports Day is held every year, usually in the second semester, and provides students an opportunity for wide-spread participation in sporting competitions between houses. Other inter-campus competitions (such as cricket, basketball, etc.) are planned throughout the school year. 

Students are encouraged to participate in the variety of sports programming offered.