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Edna Manley College Visual and Performing Arts

Health and Wellness

Health Services

The Doctor’s office and Sick Bay are located on the Halls of Residence adjoining Block Two, to the immediate right of the Halls of Residence Manager’s office. Our sick bay has a two-bed capacity. 

We have a part-time doctor and a full-time nurse on staff to cater to the medical needs of the College community. Currently, the doctor is on campus two days per week.

The College nurse is full-time and caters to the health needs of the college population in the following ways:

  • Health screening
  • Health education
  • Attending to the emergencies occurring on campus
  • Referring students to other health care personnel as necessary
  • Co-ordinating and assisting with the transportation of students to the hospital
All students are required to complete medicals biannually. 
The medical questionnaire, copy of the immunisation card, and blood test results must be submitted prior to registration. Additionally, Dance and Drama students must complete and submit a physical fitness report.
For assistance, students may call 876-619-3362 (EDNA), ext. 2205.

Counselling Services

The Guidance Counsellor assists students with any challenges brought on by their adjustments to College life. We encourage students who are experiencing personal difficulties to seek assistance at the earliest possible time so that they have a better chance to regain balance in their lives.

Our Guidance Counsellor provides psychological counselling for a variety of issues, including depression, stress, interpersonal conflict, bereavement, and crisis management. Individual consultations are also offered, and preferably done by appointment.

The Counselling Unit also coordinates select programmes designed to assist students with financial needs, such as work and travel. There is also the Jamaica Values and Attitudes (JAMVAT) programme, coordinated by the Ministry of Education, and the National Youth Service, coordinated by the Ministry of Youth, is one such, where students conduct 200 hours of community service in exchange for 30% of their tuition. The Ministry of Education’s needy student fund is another; however, it is open to a limited number of very needy students.

Information about JAMVAT and application forms for some work and travel programmes may be obtained at the Counselling Unit.

For further assistance, students may call 876-619-3362 (EDNA), ext. 2207, or visit the Guidance Counsellor’s Office, located on the Registry building beside the Human Resources Department (to the left).

All services are confidential.