Edna Manley College Visual and Performing Arts
The Edward Seaga Library and Resource Centre is an academic library with specialized collections in the visual and performing arts and other related areas.
Search the EMCVPA Library: library.emc.edu.jm
Search by title, author, subject areas, classification numbers, and ISBN, contact your Librarians or staff for username and password
*The Library is to be vacated 15 minutes to the closing time to facilitate wrapping up of ALL transactions.
The Library’s Collection houses a variety of materials.
These include the Wycliffe Bennett Collection, Rex Nettleford Collection, Vivian Virtue Collection and the Opal Palmer Adisa Collection.
The library subscribes to a number of databases and open access journals. Contact your Librarians for the usernames and passwords.
The library also subscribes to Proquest eBook Central, and this resource is accessible through a consortia type arrangement with the College Libraries Information Network (COLINET) for access to full text eBooks, which span a variety of subject areas.
Proquest eBook Central – https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/auth/lib/emcjm-ebooks
You can search across the library collection.
To access the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), you can visit the following link to Koha: library.emc.edu.jm
You will be able to search by title, author, subject areas, classification numbers, and ISBN, as well as keep abreast of your borrowing history and fines. There are other useful features that will get you on track with searching for information. To benefit from all the features of the catalogue, you will be provided with a username and password.
Please contact your Librarians, or staff at the Circulation desk for further details.
The Library offers a wide range of services that are geared towards satisfying users.
Reference services are aimed at matching the needs of users with the available resources within the library. To access Reference Services, you may visit the Circulation Desk during the Library’s opening hours. Also available is our Personalized Research Consultation Service with our Librarians during specified office hours.
EMCVPA students and staff can access the Internet by visiting the computer laboratory at the Library, or other locations on the campus such as, the School of Visual Arts computer labs, or the computer laboratory upstairs in the Multimedia Building. Students with laptops can gain access to the Internet at various hot spots across the campus.
The Library provides access to computers from which assignments may be printed at a cost.
Students requiring access to other libraries off campus can pick up a letter from the College Librarian’s Office.
Students have access to the printing and photocopying services at the Copy Centre. They are able to send their assignments for printing, at a cost, to the Copy Centre. They will pick up their assignments at that location. Photocopy machines are also available at the Copy Centre, where they can submit their copy requests. Users are required to comply with the Jamaica Copyright Act. See also Guidelines for Photocopying and Printing Services.
Books on loan may be reserved by users. A notification will be sent to them once materials become available.
Periodically, information may be packaged for educational and research purposes. Contact your Librarians.
At the beginning of each academic year, the library provides sessions on searching the Internet, databases and other online resources that are available within the library. Additionally, instruction is provided to help you improve your research skills, in order successfully identify information for your research.
Users are encouraged to submit their E-mail addresses at the Circulations Desk at the beginning of each semester in order to receive email notices, bulletins, and happenings in the library.
Persons interested in receiving extracts of EMCVPA recordings are encouraged to fill out the forms and submit them to the College Librarian’s office.
Faculty, staff and students may submit recommendations for textbooks and other resources to support the curriculum. It is advised that these recommendations are to be submitted to the College Librarian in March of each academic year. Once these items are ordered, they will be a part of the Library’s collection, and will be available on various loan periods.
www.turnitin.com is used to help students to write better essays and research papers. Lecturers are able to assist students in the writing process by providing students with feedback on the originality of what they have submitted. Contact the College Librarian to make queries about getting your own username and password.